The Qual Zone

Qual Documents, Procedures and Research

The Qual Zone, Video:

Getting Started with Qual:

1. Print out the The Qual Theory Notes.pdf

2. Print out the Known Checkoff List.pdf Don't lose this!! What you will have checked off: 1. When you pass the Computer Formula Test in class. 2. Each Procedure's Flow Sheet before you do the lab work. 3. Each Known when you find it.

3. Read each of the items under Qual Documents and Qual Research Mode below to see what is required and available.

4. Go to Qual Procedures and Flow Sheets and follow the directions.

5. Read Why Some People Do Not Finish Qual to be sure you do not get in trouble.

Qual Documents:

............. What is Qualitative Analysis?

............. Read & Remember: General Info for Qual

............ The Rules of Qual

............ Qual Crimes punishable by the penalty box

............You're in The Box!

............ How to Obtain an Unknown

........... Read Why Some People Do Not Finish Qual to be sure you do not get in trouble.

What is a Flow Chart? Here are some examples:

............. Flowchart for No Messing Around

............ Flowchart for Obtaining a drink... or a lesson well learned!

............ Flowchart for VW Analysis

............ Overall Flow Chart for Cation Analysis

Other Stuff:

............ Chemical Rack Locations

............ Pitchers & Poachers

........... Salt Analysis Sign

............ Keep on Truckin, don't get behind!

............ Career at MacDonald's

Qual Research Mode:

..... The Qual Theory Notes.pdf

..... Ionic Equations Practice

..... Diatomic Elements H2O2N2Cl2Br2I2F2

..... Rules for Parentheses in Formulae

............ Appendix 8 Half-Reactions Chart.pdf

............ Redox by Oxidation Numbers (Ups & Downs) Rules

............ Oxidation Numbers Assignment with Answers

............ Ups and Downs Assignment

..... Dense White Fumes

..... Symbols and Valences sheet

..... The Common Ion Effect

..... Amphoterism

..... Great Words of Qual

..... The Solubility Rules

..... Why Some People Do Not Finish Qual

*** Qual Procedures and Flow Sheets ***

Flame test colors. Video:

Preparing the solutions for Qual (for the Instructor).