Appendix 10, Solubility of Ions

Anions are Negative, Cations are Positive

These Anions
Do NOT ppt with
these Cations
DO ppt with
these Cations
NO3- nitrate Most cations None
CH3COO- acetate Most cations Ag+
Cl- chloride Most cations Ag+, Pb+2, Hg2+2, Cu+
Br- bromide Most cations Ag+, Pb+2, Hg2+2, Cu+
I- iodide Most cations Ag+, Pb+2, Hg2+2, Cu+
SO4-2 sulfate Most cations Ba+2, Sr+2, Pb+2, Ag+, Ca+2
CrO4-2 chromate Most cations Ba+2, Sr+2, Pb+2, Ag+
S-2 sulfide NH4+, & columns I & II
of periodic chart
Most others
OH- hydroxide NH4+, Ba+2, Sr+2, &
column I of per. chart
Most others
CO3-2 carbonate NH4+, and column I
per. chart except Li+1
Most others
PO4-3 phosphate NH4+, and column I
per. chart except Li+1
Most others
. . . .
These Cations .
Form Soluble Compds
with most anions
No Precipitates
Na+, K+ . Most anions .
H+ . Most anions .